Posted by:
at Tue Nov 27 13:24:52 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nakabaka ]
I use ABG mix. It has pretty good structure, doesn't compact quickly, and my plants go nuts in it. The name is actually a term applied by someone who found out Atlanta Botanical Gardens recipe, and you can find alterations t it on Google. I found a website that premixes it. My plants go nuts in it. But, at the same time, I can nearly hand-feed my anole; I break one hind leg on the crix during feeding time, put it in a small container and put it near her so she can see them struggling, then she just dives down in the container and bags whichever one she wants. In regard to the whole her poop fertilizing the plants thing, I've had to actually uproot the plants to get them cleaned more often than the feces landing on the soil to even become fertilizer. And I had an issue where leaving crix in the enclosure resulted in some of my plants being destroyed.
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