Posted by:
at Wed Jan 21 17:22:24 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sprovstgaard ]
I may be the exception here, but I occasionally feed both my adult green and yellow anaconda’s chickens, pigeons, and quail along with their normal rabbit and rat diets. As adults neither of them has shown any qualms about taking mammals at their next scheduled meal. The green was finicky as a juvenile and was hard to get switched onto frozen thawed rats from live rats and then again from frozen thawed rats to rabbits, but now will take anything I give her. The yellow has always been a garbage disposal eating anything I have offered from day one. Both are CB and this may be part of the reason they are so easy to deal with. Interestingly, my retics and rocks will not take birds of any kind, so I understand these animals can get fixated, but I just haven't seen it in either of my adult anacondas. As for the bird only diet, I have never done it or known any one that has, but as long as the birds are adults and maintained on a well rounded nutritionally complete diet prior to being fed out I can't see that there would be any problems. Best regards, Shane.
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