Posted by:
at Mon Dec 29 19:39:50 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gregory_t ]
Hi All,
I hope to get some much needed advice.
I am sad to report that my 6 month old Uro escaped yesterday. Her tank was not left opened (I live alone, so I know this for sure). There are no cracks or crevices in the tank cover. The cover is made of half inch square metal screen. The only possible way she achieved this feat was by climbing the wall and squeezing through the screen (I used these 3 D rock for the back of the tank:, and she has awkwardly attempted to climb in the past, but has never gotten very far).
So, here are the facts:
1. She has definitely escaped. I completed gutted her tank to verify this. She's not there.
2. She is about 5 inches long.
3. Her tank is located in my loft. It rarely gets below 80 degrees in this location (even when it's 15 degrees outside). Other floors in the house are about 65 degrees during the winter. So, I am hoping that she is smart enough to stay in the loft and not wander around other parts of house.
4. I have 2 cats. One is declawed, the other is not. The one that has her claws never ventures into the loft. The one without claws does spend a good amount of time in the loft. There is no way either of the cats could have climbed up to the tank, opened it and taken her. It's simply physically impossible.
5. I spent 4 hours today ripping the loft apart. I looked everywhere and under everything and inside everything (including inside my computer and inside the sofa).
Is there any advice as to how I can lure her out of wherever she is hiding? I'm desperate.
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Escaped Uro - gregory_t, Mon Dec 29 19:39:50 2008