Posted by:
at Fri Jan 16 06:48:42 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tmshaffer ]
>>I would definately say that there is some confusion. I have kept venomous for years thinking that virtually all rear-fanged snakes were considered venomous in the state of Florida. Many florida dealers list ANY rear-fanged in their venomous section, presumably for the same reason. >> >>No clarification was provided on the venomous issue until a proposol was made by Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Comission in 2007. I only found the ruling the day before my first response to this post. I emailed the head of Florida's Venomous Reptile Department and received a response from Captain West, the second in command for the state. It was reproduced in the first reply. >> >>Basically the species you are requesting do not require a Venomous Reptile License in the state of Florida. I believe informing vendors of the above ruling would clear the confusion that has many vendors playing it safe due to lack of understanding. >> >>Hope this helps.
This all started when a poster on another forum said she heard people were getting questioned when they were selling Tri color hogs. I think alot of this stems from no pure definition and the one that was provided was really hidden. I have looked at Mussuranas. I have seen them sold in the state, but I know of one breeder outside the state that thought he couldn't ship in. The main thing I saw before was they labeled medically significant. But that depends on who gets envenomeated. I always like clear definitions. There is alot of misinformation. And alot depends on the officer that you come i contact with. I remember I was told in Daytona. If I moved a turtle off the road during a certain time of year I could be arrested for being in possession of that turtle. Even if I was saving his life. I smiled and said I would take my chances. -----
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