Posted by:
at Thu Jan 8 16:37:24 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Paradon ]
I know what animal protein does to herbivorous lizards. I've read it over and over again on because I own a 3 year old iguana and he eats nothing but veggies and greens. But all the research I've done on Uromastyx seems to point out that they haven't a clue what these lizards eat in the wild. There hasn't been much study done for some reason. But from what I've read on Deer Fern Farm website, they do eat the occasional insects. Although, they say the Uro probably eat the occasional insects, they don't feed them insects...only veggies and greens and some seeds for extra protein. On Randal Grey's, one of the first person who successfully bred Uro, care sheet it stated that he fed his Uro insects 3-4 times a week with no ill effects, and he has kept a lot of Uro in the past. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information about this genus for some reason.
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