Posted by:
at Thu Feb 19 16:31:08 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Carlton ]
To answer your questions, there has only been one or two successful hatches in the US in the past year and one older account from Germany. Almost all imported adults arrive heavily infected with chytrid fungus these days, so if a new keeper gets them and doesn't treat them they don't live long. Stimulating breeding has been tough. Those of us with some of Chad's tadpoles have fed them foods based on spirulina and chlorella (look for SERA tadpole food for example). I've also used some freeze-dried Daphnia crushed very well. The tads may have larger funnel mouths, but their throats are quite small so they can only take fine foods. I wouldn't say they are aggressive to each other, but a swarm of several hundred tads will require very careful water filtration and chemistry. They are shallow clean water that has none to very little current, as they aren't strong swimmers and can drown.
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