Posted by:
at Sat Feb 21 11:32:23 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by emysbreeder ]
Hello my g Iguana friend.You are doing grate and learning how to hatch Iguana eggs will help you in the future with many other reptiles.They are fantastic lizards to work with so dont let anyone talk you out of it.I bred them a lot in the 90s but had to compete with imports.You will do good with them there.Give me a shout when your about to get eggs.Theres a lot to know,especially the condishion of the female after the eggs.I've seen better looking dead Iguanas than one that just layed eggs.The eggs are hard to hatch.To bad..their history.A little to dry they start to cave BUT you get another chanch by increasing the humidity by putting some moist moss on top of them.They will puff back out and your on your way again without waiting another year.Two males will fight but you can put a mirror in the cage and he will have conbat with his reflection.Just do it a little at a time,and he will think he scared his rival away when you take it out.Good luck I wish you well owning the Iguana market all over your side of the world. Vic Morgan
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