Posted by:
at Wed Feb 25 00:13:18 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by resims ]
i just purchased a baby green iguana, his name is marley. i wanted to do it right because i heard of people just running out and getting an iguana without considering how much care they need and what it will cost. so i got everything that he needs and i set up his enclosure just right. but i still have a few questions i would like to ask an experienced owner. first you should know that he is eating right with the leafy greens. but the thing is he wont eat when we are home he will only eat if we like go to the store. i'm just wondering what i can do to make him more comfortable or is that normal at first? we have had him for three weeks. and another thing is i know this sounds weird but i have not found any of his fecies. i don't even know if he poops. maybe i just don't know what to look for. so i guess i'm asking what might his poo look like? thank you for your help it will be much appreciated.
Give your ig some time to settle in and adjust to its new surroundings.Your ig is very young and treats anything that moves as a possible predator.With daily interaction with your ig,it should or may settle down in due time.Some igs have a hard time settling down like one of my igs i got right now,each have their own personality.I would give the ig a bit to settle down before any handling is involved.Whats the temp in your cage?I keep mine between 98 to 105 degrees during the day to the nightly lows of 75.With the proper temps your ig should defecate properly.Hope this helps.
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