Posted by:
at Mon Mar 9 18:51:53 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mootish ]
Hello everyone I haven't been on here in Age's. So some updated info. In 2007 around september I adopted a iguana named Melvina. I had her last year and she did not have or develop egg's. but this year I am wondering. about the first week of Febuaray Melvina was getting picky with her food. and i did notice some scratching and her scratching her nose. I have never delt with gravid iguana's I have no idea what im looking for really. about 2 weeks ago my one friend Jess, came over and told me she's gravid ( she owns 2 iguanas herself and has expericenced egg laying sussesfully) so i have been soaking her every day to keep her hydrated and giving her extra calcuim also we have given her a egg laying box and she does dig in it but no eggs yet so im getting worried , shes active, alert and moody though and shows no signs of being sluggish and you can see buldges on the sides of her belly weight loss on her pelvis bone area and hind leg weight loss and some in the tail , decreased urates ( white and kinda yellowish ) but she is eatting plates of food with water and calcuim im wondering if shes gonna lay these eggs ? or should i make a vet appointment ? i plan on doing it anyway i guess im kinda worried and im really not sure if or when she started developing eggs and when i should know shes ready to lay them ?? anyone have any suggestions ? sorry this is so long ( her egg laying box has like potting soil in it right now and i have a basking like over it to keep it warm but all she seems to do is bask and eat) below is a picture of her laying box , its pretty huge
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egg laying questions - mootish, Mon Mar 9 18:51:53 2009 ![image in post](./images/image_icon.gif)