Posted by:
at Wed Apr 8 13:13:36 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by justintherunner ]
I've never had a pacman before, but I got one a few weeks ago, and he ate fine for a while, but the last 4-5 days he has stayed buried so today I found him and he was all dry and didn't move so I thought he was dead. Then I noticed he was twitching just a little so I sprayed him and put in his water dish and he perked up a little but still doesn't look too hot.
For some info about my setup, I have the eco-friendly substrate recommended by the pet store I bought him from, I mist 3-4 times per day, I have a water dish that is always full, I have crickets for him to eat in the tank at all times, I use a small under tank heater, and sometimes a heat lamp too if the apartment is cool. I am really not sure what is wrong, is he hibernating or molting, or is it something worse??
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