Posted by:
at Sat Apr 18 12:56:09 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by el_toro ]
I've never had a day gecko, but looked into it a while back. I wouldn't think it would be a good idea (species mixing aside), since anoles can be pretty aggressive and day geckos have such delicate skin. I expect it would be a dead gecko in pretty short order. ----- Torey Eugene, Oregon, USA 1.1 Saharan Uros (Joe and Arthur) 3.0 Mali Uros (Spike, Turtle, and Tank) 1.1 Ornate Uros (Scuttlebutt and Shazzbot) 1.1 Collared Lizard (Ripcord and Rorschach) 2.0 Green Anoles (Bowser and Sprocket) 1.1 Chubby Housecats (Roscolux and Jenny)

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