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at Sun Apr 26 08:47:19 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DennisDelapjr ]
I've been involved in an intense argument with several prominent herpers for years over the advantages of using frozen feeders verses live. Heres a couple my reasons:
1. frozen foods available n ready when ya need it usually at an ideal size n portion. Over time this leads to a way healthier more robust animal especially starting from a hatchling.
2. Professional rodent breeders who raise feeders for folks, zoos, n other biological institutions profits are solely based on producing the healthiest rodents quickest. Usually they are fed n cared for meticulously. Herpers need to tend thier reptiles not rodents! ha ha
3. This is the biggest and nastiest FACT. Rodents got a fairly disgusting gut load of parasites, namely worms, most destructive n common to be passed along to our animals (pinworms)....kill some of anyones captive mice n rats float some of the gi tracs matter scope it out n prove me wrong!lol yuck! they put that water in a jar incubate in at say 85-90 for 72 hours re scope...omg barf!....a couple months frozen solid dramatically reduces the parasite load. off topic but crickets also are full of worms cuz they eat thier dead...switch your insectivores to dubia roaches and see the difference...some of its nutritional but the nutritional advantage is partly due to less parasite draw causing our lil'critters anemia...which causes a dominoe affect...
Well folks just a little knowledge sharing I felt neccesary because recently I've had my mind blown away by the difference in health of basically identical animals at a year old. One fed live the others frozen thawed. I'm no vet but been working with reptiles 30 years everyday with a passion n got this mind that just notices a lot.
Thanks I appreciate any feedback
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- Frozen thaw/Fresh killed - DennisDelapjr, Sun Apr 26 08:47:19 2009