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at Tue May 12 15:23:14 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
I keep one adult per container, though I use the same containers when I breed, but I only keep the male in with the female for about 2-4 months then separate. by that time she has enough sperm to produce viable eggs the rest of the egg laying season.
Babies I keep in smaller containers, usually in pairs (clutch mates most often) till they are about 4" long then I move them into the adult size containers and keep them alone till they are fully grown. Occasionally I do house two females in a slightly bigger container (66qt) but depends on how wel the females get along. If I want to breed two females to the same male, this is the setup I use for 3 geckos.
I always have plenty of cover, provide two feeding dishes and a small dish of calcium (phosphorus free, no Vit. D3)powder for females, to ensure they have access to all the calcium they need when laying eggs. I tend to also have this dish of calcium with all my adult female geckos, whether I bred them or not. This is to keep them from suffering calcium crash after laying eggs or just before, when the eggs receive their 'shell' inside the mother. ----- PHLdyPayne
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