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HELP!!! MY Fattiewon'teat!!!

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Posted by: Nay_bear at Sun May 17 23:11:20 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Nay_bear ]  

To start with, I have a fat-tail and a leopard gecko living harmoniously in a twenty-gallon tank. I bought them off Craig’s list about a week ago. I gave them a day to settle in before I fed them. I bought them together; they came in the same cage. The dumb nut I bought them from thought they were both leopards. Anyway, I fed them the next day … I put in four crickets. My mom insisted that we bought dead ones until we figured out how many they eat in a week. The crickets were too big so I cut them in half so they were a more manageable size for them. My fat tail ate one-half of a cricket and my leo ate a whole one. I know they are supposed to eat every two days or so but it has been a week now and they have not even touched them. I have attempted to feed them twice during the week but there were no takers. I am currently staying a few days at my friend’s house. Would the transport here stress them out? Was it a wise to move them twice in less than a week? Could I not be giving them something they need? They are daytime temp stays in the lower 80’s and they are nighttime temp is in the upper 70’s. I do not have one of those thingies to tell me what the humidity is because I have not been to the store yet. I am really worried about my babies. If there is anyone who can help, please do so. I have only had them a week and I love them as if I have had them since they were babies!


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>> Next topic:  How do you tell the difference - lbratcher4, Fri May 22 08:09:36 2009
<< Previous topic:  Fatties Vs. Leos - Nay_Bear, Sun May 10 17:46:06 2009