Posted by:
at Tue Jun 16 16:48:17 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by OliveJewel ]
I am wondering if anyone else has a skink that is blind? I have two (out of five) Egernia striolata, both female, that have a kind of scar tissue on their corneas that developed after about a year of their eyes swelling and having dilated pupils. The breeder I got them from said a small percentage of his own did get the condition too and another breeder who got animals from him said her females got the condition too, which makes me think it's genetic, versus husbandry-related.
I heard of some Tiliqua that had a similar-sounding condition and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I thought, though, that the theory for the Tiliqua was that it was diet-related!
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