Posted by:
at Sat Jun 27 12:31:45 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by flavor ]
So I have these garter snakes living in my backyard. Most times I have to pick them up and move them when I'm mowing the lawn.
A couple of weeks a go I found a pretty big one inside one of my mose cages. Yup, belly full. I think he ate two adult mice. the others were huddled together on the opposite end of the cage. he was so fat, he couldn't have gotten out. I picked him up and put him back in the garden.
Today, I found him halfway into another mouse cage eying his next meal. This time, I was able to get him out of there before he ate anything.
I had no idea garter snakes would go for adult mice. I almost wanted to watch him eat because i didn't think they were constrictors. I would ahve loved to see how he accomplished this. Anyone out there ever see a garter snake take on an adult mouse? How do they do it? ----- Mike Lockwood
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Funny Story - flavor, Sat Jun 27 12:31:45 2009