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at Tue Jul 21 01:02:27 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by asnakelovinbabe ]
Eye candy, that is!!!!
I bet I'm the only person in the world who carries an iPhone plastered in my own photos of garter snakes
somebody, namely a certain nebraska albino plains, got caught in the cookie... er, worm jar
female erythristic het albino
my holdback pair of rubrilineatus devouring unscented pinkies... i never even offered them scented ones... whodathunkit?!
Newborn puget with a pinky
Florida Erythristic chomping down on pinkies... I used to have to coax this snake to eat worms... forget pinkies!!!
She's sure getting chubby!
Adult red stripe pretending to be a branch
This here is a handful of pinkies... with water snakes attached to them.
The vanishing pattern female just had her first shed and blew me away with color!
holdback male cherry
Upon seeing the first shed I have realized that I got both some of the male's type hypo, and the cherry hypo, but the cherry has this effect of making even the snakes that are not cherry hypo's have red in them. The top is a daddy's type hypo (high red, I guess being related to cherries does that because even the normals have red!), the bottom is a mama's type cherry hypo. I belive I did get some with both traits in the same snake but they all have to shed first So I can see hat the heck is going on here!!!
Holdback normal female... simply a knockout.
Yes, she's really THAT red.
Here's that weird patternless one again
she even has a stripe!
male "hypo" checkered.... what are they calling this morph these days? Do we still call them hypos? It's more like a pastel.... hmmmmm.... whatever they are, definitely a genetic morph.
Him with the one I suspected to be some kind of hypo and as it grows, it glows! They are both SO intensly bright that they mess with my camera big time... impossible to photgraph!!
and to think, the one on the bottom was only $14.....
High black concinnus female, lookin HOT!!!
Female eastern blackneck.... they sure aren't little babies anymore that's for sure!!!
female eastern blackneck and female western blackneck!
they only have one thing in common... they have black necks....
female orange flame eastern, she's starting to bloom wonderfully!
Axanthic plains.... camera washed all the blue out... this snake is bluer than any puget in person!
My male similis is now breeder size but he will NEVER outgrow the baby face!!!
it started to get dark so sorry, but only one shot of my infernalis, Mesa... with the flash...
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So who wants some CANDY?! - asnakelovinbabe, Tue Jul 21 01:02:27 2009