Posted by:
at Sun Aug 2 07:09:19 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Lisabeth ]
Hi! I went to the vet two weeks ago to do a fecal test on my nigerian uros. The vet said they had a lot of nematodes (two type of them) and he gave me Panacur (Fenbendazole) to treat them.
But, I just saw on Douglas Dix web site that it's "normal" for them to have nematodes (but not in excess) and that nematodes were rice-like particules in the fecal pellets. So, yes I was curious....and yeaterday I took a fresh fecal pellet and I looked...and there was some nematodes in it (maybe 10-15).
So my question is, how much nematodes is too much? How can I know? They just finished their treatments 3 days ago and I saw nematodes in the fecal yeasterday...what does it mean? Bad/good/normal? My uros always eat well and are active and they never showed any problems at all. I did a fecal test "just in case".
I'm more used to bearded dragons for the parasite thing, so I don't know if there is any difference because uros are vegetariens and maybe the digestion process is different.
Any hint would help!!!
----- Lisabeth
1.2 Bearded dragons (Flake, Rusty and Rainbow) 1.1 Uromastyx geyri (Spiky and Salsa) 1.2 Guinea pig (Pumpkin, Moka and Lila)
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