Posted by:
at Mon Aug 10 15:38:27 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JYohe ]
IF you take the male out , and re-introduce him later, they will fight usually....mice fight alot, and you cannot really mix tanks or groups at all....I leave male at all times.....1 male to up to 15 females in a tub.....56 tubs going always......
yes if you leave 15 pinks and 15 fuzzy and 15 hoppers in a tank the pinks will probably starve......I check the tanks all the time...and regroup or freeze alot of stuff all the time..... I might leave the 15 pinks then add 15 from another tank and take the fuzzies and leave 30 in one tank....and 30 hoppers in get the 30 babies per tank...all the same size.....and I feed or sell or freeze any extras....(that might be hundreds a week....even over 1000 )....
.....smell.....yes they do...all I can say....
Africans.....kind of a stupid critter...feed small amounts per day....they'll stand on top of food and ask why you aren't feeding them......I use 1 male to 3 or 4 females in a 10 gallon tank or lab cage.....average 17 baby every 23 days.... they will eat the kids and they will starve the pinks as in the mice...yes I seperate and mix babies according to size....
......mice wean in 17 days Africans I forget how many days....
.. ----- JY Scales-N-Tails reptiles ltd.
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