Posted by:
at Sat Aug 15 12:19:44 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Bryant_King ]
Thank you both for the advice. I can easily lower the humidity with greater ventilation, but the temps will require me convincing my wife that these are "inside" as opposed to garage snakes. It is easy to make a cage warmer, but making one cooler is a bit trickier. While I am convincing my wife, I may make something up about the Chondros to get them in the living room in display tanks too.
I had noticed that they liked to defecate in their water bowl. Indeed, I check their cages more often than my other charges, but they are worth it. I had already incorporated hide boxes after neglecting them at first, and you are right, they utilize them.
Thanks again both of you. An aquarium with a screen lid and an under tank heater in my air conditioned living room worked well on my cribo years ago, I may go back to such a basic set up with these. I expected these to resemble the Easterns that I use to catch, and they do in some ways, but they also remind me of cobras probably due to their brownish coloration.
Thanks again,
Bryant King
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