Posted by:
at Wed Aug 19 07:59:51 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by norristhenut ]
A day after we had her my wife checked for eggs just as you described, as soon as my wife touched inside her leg blood started flowing like a river I grabbed some paper towels and stuffed them around her. As my wife held her with the paper towels wrapped tightly she, turtle, opened her mouth and blood started coming out. My heart dropped as I thought she was going to die. Well everything stopped after a few minutes, seemed a lifetime, and my wife just held her for over an hour or so. Put her down in a large plastic container with towels for the night and the next day soaked her in sodium chloride mixture a vet recommended. We kept her in a few days and put her in the garden isolated from other turtles. It was about 2 weeks later she ate some black raspberries and from there it was a steady progression of eating walking around and getting better. She Taylor, wife named, now eats, worms, berries and loves corn on thecob. Taylor has part of her front foot missing, has healed nicely and she seems to be back to normal and then she lays 2 eggs!. That is why my original question was maybe she was egg bound. At any rate all seem ok now will keep posted.
Thanks Alan
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