Posted by:
at Thu Sep 3 15:04:45 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by basinboa ]
It is legal to import from Brazil as long as there is a breeder selling the species you want. The problem is that currently, no one who has authorization to breed and export animals has emerald tree boas.
But it is possible to find other species such as red tailed boas, red footed tortoises, iguanas, tegus, and even an occasional rainbow boa. Most legal breeders are specialized in birds, because they are the big market.
Only CBB are allowed to be exported. No WC at all. Just like what happens in Peru.
All these Amazon Basins are ilegally smuggled from Brazil to exporting countries like Argentina or Suriname, and then "legalized" for exportation.
Corallus caninus exists in all south american countries but Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The amazon basin form is found mostly in Brazil and Peru. But also in parts of Ecuador and possibly Venezuela.
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