Posted by:
at Sun Aug 30 18:53:42 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Boost ]
The wife and I visited an expensive pet store today, they carry fish to furry to scaled critters. They have what they were advertising as a "Texas collared lizard" it was a male. This poor collared is looking thin with a very thin tail. The gal working there informed me that he just didn't eat as much as the rest, they apparently had 5 other collareds and he's the last one of the bunch. I have a few issue's with the place, they are displayed and sleep in your typically small retail lizard habitat wall display, multiple units to show off as many critters as possible. He was on a bark mulch substrate with a coconut hut hide, upon turning him over we discovered he was suffering from something around his vent. I made several recommendations about treating him and taking him off of the sand. She placed him back into his housing telling me that they have the stuff to treat him with and that they don't have him on sand due to the possibilities of the lizards eating sand while going after crickets. I had wanted to pick him up but another male isn't in the picture and lizard housing in the house is at a premium. I hope someone picks him up and puts him into a proper setting where he'll thrive.
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Sad sight - Boost, Sun Aug 30 18:53:42 2009