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at Thu Sep 3 07:15:19 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by laurarfl ]
One time I tried a new basking light and the hot side temps were over tegu was quite unhappy. She appeared stressed and was digging at the cage to get out. Tegus are just more tropical. The idea behind PE's philosophy is that the the 130 basking spot is provided with a layered basking area where the lizard can find it's own ideal temp. I have found that 110 works best for me.
The soil mixture substrate would work as long as it is kept somewhat moist enough to help with humidity. I have been thinking of switching my enclosures from mulch to a type of soil/peat mixture. It seems rather messy though. :P
Tegu diets are a bit controversial. Some say that tegus need more fruit and some say that they don't need any fruit at all. I haven't kept a monitor in 20 years, but I don't know of any that readily eat plant matter. I still offer my tegus fruit at almost every meal. Sometimes they take it (like my red), sometimes they pass.
There was a study done (San Diego Zoo?) that compared two groups of Savannah Monitors. One was given UV access and one was given only oral Vit D supplements. They checked blood plasma levels of VitD on a regular basis and made the conclusion that both means of obtaining VitD were equal. However, other studies have shown that herbivorous lizards such as iguanas cannot utilize oral Vit D. Since no studies have been done on tegus, we can't really draw a conclusion about their UV or oral utilization yet.
Personally, I think every diurnal lizard requires a bit of UV. There is benefit beyond just the calcium metabolism process. But that seems to be another personal preference issue in husbandry. There's just so many instances of MBD with lizards and it's so easily preventable.
Keeping a Colombian and water monitor together sounds like an eventual reptile snack. Since Colombians are rather low on the feeding chain totem pole, I would think it would be rather upsetting to the poor tegu. I imagine the water monitor has different needs.
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