Posted by:
at Wed Sep 16 20:21:27 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ReversingTime ]
I recently adopted a Female Cali. King Snake. She is about 4 and I was told she already Bred once, but no more. They didn't want her anymore. So now that I have adopted her, I have no intentions of breeding, just having her as a pet. Since she had bred once, does this mean anything, will she be any different then a female Cali. King Snake that has not bred? Any differences in body, seasons, mood, vent, musking, ect? I know this might sound stupid, but the reason I ask, is because for a female cat who has bred once or more their body is different then a female cat who has never bred and had been fixed before it happened. The ones who have been fixed and never bred are more relaxed, fat, not as moody, and don't spray or go into heat. For the ones who have bred and then fixed, they still act out, go into heat, maybe still spray, etc. Any Information, greatly appreciated.
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