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at Fri Sep 18 02:25:44 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AccidentalHerps ]
They hatched on the 15th. I opened my incubator and 3 little guys were running around, yikes! Guess the lid on their egg container wasn't on well. I scooped them into one tank and put the egg container in the second tank. I was lifting the eggshells out to see if they had all hatched, one skink came flying out of his egg as soon as I scooped it up.
These guys are on forest floor bedding - the kind that came in a brick that you add water to. It holds the tunnels they make which is rather cute. They like to peek their heads out when I move the lid on the tank. I have 3 skinks in one tank and 2 in another. they have a new uv light and I notice they are spending more time out and about than the first batch.
I am giving them pin head crickets and small phoenix worms right now. One of them has much darker coloration than the others, not nearly as much red. But they all seem ok.
I am going to disturb them a lot less than the previous batch too. It is tempting to find them all daily to check on them but I think it is just something else to stress them out.
There is a clutch of 3 eggs that are so fat they look like they will explode. They were laid on the 11th, the ones that just hatched were laid on the 2nd, so I expect some very fat skinklets soon. I have another tank ready for them.
The third clutch - of 6 eggs - has had 2 eggs collapse. I think I have one very fertile female and one less fertile female. I'm glad the male has finally gotten his act together with them both!
Should the babies be getting any kind of veggitation/fruit in their diet? Their parents don't care for greens, but love mushy things like bananas and mango (given sparingly because of the sugar content).
I am going to pick up some red wigglers this weekend.
thanks for the encouragement!
Sasha ----- 3 fire skinks, 1 blue tongue skink, 2 plateds, 2 beardies, 1 mali uromastyx, and a wide assortment of geckos.
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Batch#2, five little fire skinks - AccidentalHerps, Fri Sep 18 02:25:44 2009