Posted by:
at Tue Oct 6 06:28:23 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by xanthoman ]
in response to the pm you sent me, without knowing any of the specifics, there is really nothing anybody can do other than guess, i will say this, mbd is a complex issue and not easily reversed, and its not likely that a vet who is not a herp vet will be able to do much good either, imo mbd is most often brought on by not just not just light issues alone, but also a combination of lighting and nutritional supplementation issues. its pretty much a given that as long as he has less than optimum care, the situation is likely to get worse, my suggestion would honestly be to turn him over to somebody with exp. in rescuing chams with mbd (not me).short of doing that, my suggestion would be, get a genuine qualified herp vet get a genuine reptisun 5.0 lineal (not cfl)tube light,get him regular natural sunlight, be prepared to educate yourself on all issues of cham care with extra effort being given to learning nutritional and supplementle issues in depth. generally , in the hands of an inexperienced keepers, over supplementation is more of an issue than under supplementation, so based on that assumption, i would reccomend limiting his supplemention to calcium only (no d3 or multi vites ) until his supplementation regimen has been reviewed by a qualified herp vet and/or a cham keeper experienced with mbd issues. my guess is that he will probably need a complete blood panel and follow up visits combined with knowledgeable care, so be prepared to spend money and educate yourself in depth on all aspects of cham care. unfortunately there is no easy fix, what takes time to manifest itself, will take time to improve, so be prepared for a long and possibly expensive and heart breaking road. sorry i didnt have a simpler solution
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