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at Sun Oct 25 08:10:18 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by asnakelovinbabe ]
Eastern blacknecks are the most awesome looking garter there is. I like them even more than infernalis! Goldfish are definitely a big no-no. you would have to check out the particular species of baitfish you are using, but generally, a lot of them are okay to use. I use silversides myself. Eastern blacknecks are one of the more aquatic-prey-focused garters, from what I understand and have learned from my 3, they will not touch worms. They often want an amphibian scent as their first meal and even fish are hard to tempt them with at first! When I got mine, they had been started on rosies and I quickly graduated them to scented pinkies and silversides. They now will eating anything I offer them aside from worms. Mine get mostly silversides and other types of fish, with small mice as an occasional treat. They also LOVE frog legs. When they are season at the grocery store I buy tons of them!!!
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