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at Thu Oct 29 21:52:47 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Matt-D ]
Has anyone on the forum had luck breeding these turtles? I have a mature pair that have laid 12 eggs now (5 on October 3rd, 6 on the 24th and one in the water on the 26th, the rest were buried properly in sand). The eggs buried in the sand were only left overnight or so, the female made quite a mess while nesting so it was easy to tell she had done so. All of the eggs look great in size and shape but there are no blood vessels present in any so far. Would it be possible that the eggs of this species go through diapause? I have the eggs sitting at 82 degrees F, and 75% humidity. I am incubating them all in a 10 inch delicup with small holes drilled around the outside and they are nestled in damp sphagnum moss. My incubator is made from a styrofoam box with an aquarium heater and a brick for the egg container to rest on. My female has only been with the male since the mid summer and as far as I know has never been bred before. The male is around 4 inches and female is around 7-8". Any info is appreciated!
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Emydura subglobosa breeding. - Matt-D, Thu Oct 29 21:52:47 2009