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at Tue Nov 10 14:20:55 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by StevePerry ]
I agree with Scott, a morph (or mutation) must be genetically reproducible and predictable. This, IMO, is at least what has been accepted by the majority of the Herpeteculture community. You could argue that many of the line bred animals would qualify, but that is only if you breed it to others from the same line. If you breed and nuclearmeltdown to a normal looking Kenyan you won’t get some nuclears and some normals and you won’t get normals that are het for nuclear. You will have simply broken the line trait and will have animals which will share some traits from each parent with some traits shared more than others. You cannot have a het Dodoma flame or a het nuclear! Here’s my list.
MORPH Axanthic Snow Albino Paradox snow Paradox albino Vanishing pattern (so I’ve heard)
LINE BRED TRAIT nuclear (line bred locality) Dodoma / Flame (same thing and a locality) Stripes, granites, and tigers (all that I have seen have been produced by mixing with the ruffies) Rufescens, (locality with the argument that They could be a separate sub- Species)
UNPROVEN MORPHS (or those that have not yet had their genetics announced) Hypo (very close) Ghost (very close) Hypo albino Chocolate (probably the same as mocha) Mocha Splash Calico Peach (probably the same as the hypo) Pearl albino (probably the same as hypo/albino) Some of the others that are mentioned are combinations of line bred animals and do not make my list of morphs. (and I’m sure I’ve missed something also)
----- Steve Perry North Idaho.
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