Posted by:
at Sat Nov 21 22:29:38 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tbone21 ]
I have a pure spectacled and it is suppose to get between 6-8 feet.. thats what I was told and all the websites say roughly. They also have one hell of a temper on them most of them. Mine is shy and hides until you grab him then he goes insane but a guy I know had some and they would come flying to see if they can get food and not look what they are bighting lol.... ----- Tom 1.2.0 Leopard Gecko (dot, spot, casper) 0.0.1 California King Snake (booboo) 0.2.1 Sulcata Tortoise (tank, sahara and skittles) 0.0.2 Russian Tortoise (tito and lulu) 0.0.2 Red Ear Sliders (bernie and ernie) 0.0.1 Painted Turtles (moe) 0.0.1 Western Soft shell (Squirt) 1.1.0 Bearded Dragon (marshmellow and Sparkles ) 0.0.1 Sumatran Water Monitor (Tiny) 1.0.0 Peachfront Conure (kermit) 0.1.0 Love Bird ( KIKI ) 1.2.0 Dog (layla, Roxy and Rosco) 2.1.0 Crazy Cats (babe, sabastian, tinkerbell) 0.1.0 Lion Head Rabbit (daisy) 0.1.2 Ferret (jordan RIP, Cosmo and Izzy) 0.0.1 White Tree Frog (dumpy jr.) 0.0.1 Fire Belly Toad (ferdinan) 0.0.1 Spectacled caiman (wilbert) 0.0.3 Green Anoles 1.0.0 Bahama Anole 0.0.1 Giant Millipede 0.0.1 Aligator Snapping turtle 0.0.1 Mexican Red Knee Tarantula 0.0.1 Emporor Scorpion 1.0.0 Veiled Chameleon 0.0.1 Argentina Black and White Tegu 2.1.0 Columbian Red Tail Boas Lots Of Fish
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