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at Wed Dec 2 14:43:49 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by voodoomagik ]
Hi, guys, I was doing my calls today and called Rep. Inhofe from OK. They were so helpful that they forwarded me to their EPW representative! He said that they were against the bill as it stands. I thanked him and asked him to please spread the word to other members to vote against it. He said he would and ASKED ME TO PLEASE FORWARD THE MATERIALS DEBUNKING THE USGS SURVEY TO HIM SO HE CAN HELP! I'm at work and may not have the time to do so, but was thinking of the Barkers’ paper and the letter written by the group of scientists against the survey. He asked me to please post his email on these forums to get him the info. Again, he's already on our side but is ASKING FOR INFO FROM US to help spread the FACTS! Can you please help get it to him! Here's his email: Remember he's on our side so please be professional and polite. Thanks guys, Aaron -----
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Python Ban-PLEASE READ-NOT USUAL POST - voodoomagik, Wed Dec 2 14:43:49 2009