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at Thu Dec 3 23:01:26 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by asnakelovinbabe ]
You probably wonder if I ever stop taking pictures??? Nope. This forum has been pretty dead but I will continue to stuff it with photo's!
So for today, I'm going to share with you all first, a new acquisition from the great Joe Peck! This is the sibling to Scott's "aztec" plains. He was going to keep it and breed it but plans changed, and now she's allll mine *muhahaha* It's basically a really cool mutation that has completely smeared all the checkers away into stripes. It's TOO COOL FOR WORDS!!!! The pattern is so incredibly CLEAN. I Love, love LOVE this snake!
This gorgeous female chicago also indirectly came from Joe, through Don Belnap. These are really crappy photo's, they don't do her one bit of justice. She's like a TIGER.
And now, here's some updated shots of Blossom, the WC florida erythristic. They are not that great, but she's a big snake, and was flinging sand EVERYWHERE at me.
Here's the best $50 I ever spent! This girl is HOT HOT HOT.
And here is her boyfriend, my male flame:
And people say striped keelbacks are high strung.... PFF. pushovers!
And now, I am bored and am going to share some random, but some of my favorite photos with you... they're not all garters but I still like to share other stuff with all you garter people! You have probably seen some of these before!
At the moment, this is what the snakeroom looks like:
I love EB's
I also love handfuls of cute baby snakes
Here is Mister Mustard the yellow checkered
My florida easterns call this home. They are my favorite group of snakes.
possibly my most favorite photo ever
One of the prettiest dekay's EVER!
Does anyone ever play around with color splashing? It's kind of fun, actually...
eastern eye
me with the most tolerant king rat snake on the planet
This is where the most tolerant king rat snake on the planet resides... it's a 100 gallon tank layed on its side and we built doors onto what used to be the top.. he is the ONLY snake outside the snakeroom, he's right next to my bed.
For christmas I painted the store windows last year. It wasn't done yet, but you all know I HAD to incorporate my love of snakes into one of the window panes
Not many people get the chance to get THIS close to baby birds
This is easily one of my top ten most favorite photo's. Even centipedes know that life is precious.
I keep snakes and of course, I keep fish that look and act like snakes. Here's one of my polypterus:
and finally some pajama cardinals. meaning I am putting on my pajamas and going to bed. hope you enjoyed!
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