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at Sun Dec 6 11:13:13 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by asnakelovinbabe ]
haha, my table was a HUGE HIT at the show. At times I had people just gathered all around marveling at all my garters. It was really a great feeling introducing so many people to the world of garter and water snakes. My cherry hypo banded water snake acted as an ambassador all day, people just loved being able to hold her and to realize that water snakes aren't evil! SO many people took my information, so I feel like I really got my name out there. I did get some stuff, but no thams (cause mine were like the only ones!). I picked up a hypo het albino red blood python, (something i have wanted for a loooong time), as well as an unrelated female cherry hypo water snake that is simply smoking from glades herp, even redder than any of mine! I also inadvertently picked up an enormous 4 foot sunbeam snake that had been someone's pet for $15, and took a durango mtn. kingsnake as a trade for a BP. I also sold all the animals I really wanted to move so it was a great day!
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