Posted by:
at Wed Dec 16 15:12:36 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EvilMorphgod ]
We have an ear to talk to!
Let them KNOW what kind of impact S 373 would have on you or your business! They are now learning a bit on how big our industry is and they need to understand what kind of harm such a bill would have on us! Congress seems to think that this bill has little negative impact on the American People? If this bill created more than 139 million dollars per year in losses to the industry they would have to slow down and reconsider this ban.
This means everyone involved that keeps large constrictors. This means pet stores that sell them, this means suppliers such as Zoo Med and Vision Cages to name a fraction! This means rodent suppliers, rodent food manufacturers, UPS, FEDEX and a plethera of other businesses that are interwoven into our industry!
NERD would fail and I would go out of business. My two companies employee 16 people, they would no longer have jobs. I would no longer add to the economy. The more I think about it the worse it seems!
If this bill passes just you wait til you see the next one! It's coming and you are not going to like what is on it!
I have a contact that tallies numbers and works for Congress on this bill. She needs these numbers fast, Congress wants them from her by the end of the week!
Please email and tell her what kind of financial losses you will suffer! She needs to know what kind of financial damage will occur to you!
Remember, crossing a state border with one of these snakes will be a Federal crime! Kind of like being a drug dealer! A Lacey Act Violation! Imagine the search warrants! Just imagine the PAIN and suffering that this bill really means!
Kevin NERD ----- "Satan™" is a registered trademark of NERD, Inc. Any copyright infringement is punishable by ETERNAL DAMNATION and some other terrible stuff.
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