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Posted by: varanid at Sat Dec 26 02:09:59 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by varanid ]  

dog owners are far more common that snake owners, and i (I) bet if you crunched the CDC numbers the amount would be proportional to each other
.If that's the case, then why ban snakes and not dogs?

and if you digged (dug) even further you'd probabely (probably) discover that people who keep and breed large constrictor receive very bad bites 100% of the time, escape of snakes from their inclosures (enclosure) would also be 100%.

So you think every body who keeps large boids gets a bad bite from a large boid? Huh? I've *never* had a major bite from a large boid. Large dogs, yes. Dogs that weren't mine, yes. A pet bird, yes. A monitor, yes. A large boid? Nope. Or do you mean 100% of medically meaningful bites come from large boids? That might be accurate, but EVEN THEN you have to compare them to the number of people that keep boids. Clear up your statement, and go ahead and get those states. Find me how many people go to the hospital every year for snake bites, ok? Otherwise you're just pissing in the wind. After that, we can discuss how those compare to the number of people that keep snakes. And 100% getting out of cages? That's an idiotic statement. Escapes happen with all species...I've never had a big snake get out of it's cage. I have had small ones escape a few times though. Baby corns...ugh, they can get out of the smallest holes.

fact is dogs dont bite people because they are hungry... they do it for protection... large constrictors also bite in defense but also bit to kill and EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you are unlucky enough to encounter a hungry retic and it bites you and throws coils around you the chances are ITS TRYING TO KILL YOU.
You know, when I lived near Denver, there was a lady killed and eaten by her neighbors rotties. Just munched her down. Amazingly gruesome. Furthermore, it doesn't matter what the animals intent is if it kills you. You're still dead.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: OWNER OF NERD....... - jinx666999, Fri Dec 25 22:07:49 2009