Posted by:
at Sat Jan 16 11:44:17 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by KDP2010 ]
Nah, Nah, I totally Agree but most people I know and Meet before who are book smart, they seem to loose their common sence and not everything can be explained be science like genetics, cause genetics differ each breeding and through out time and the genetic stran splits or adds to and all science really is, is just a basic common sence way to figure it out, but that does not mean it is correct, nor does it mean it is incorrect, so when something is very diffucault to explain or figure out you just have to go with the flow and do what ever possible to figure it out, but not disagree with somebody who did an expirement that bends the genetic laws, but to just talk to that person and figure out how it happened, you know.
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