Posted by:
at Sat Jan 16 12:31:35 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by spmoberl ]
Sorry, but your idea of science is way off. I haven't criticized, and in fact encourage, non-scientists in their attempts to problem solve. Just because you do not have advanced scientific ability, actually because of that, you can not blow off what you don't understand.
Science is not a "common since way of figuring it out". We have hands-on ability to conduct chromosomal and molecular analysis, computational abilities, and are under a strict criticism by colleagues. Genetics goes WAY beyond basic mendelian inheritance.
Scientific laws are not bent, but rather challenged. We, scientists, are aware of the progression of data, such as new breading. Many results are predicted by precedence and most others can be solved with strategies already developed ----- steve
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