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at Tue Jan 26 06:38:05 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PoeMan ]
Welp have gotten about 10 emails wondering who I am, a couple not so nice but thats how it goes. I understand how people come on out of nowhere and claim to be knowledgeable when they only have some book experience. So being lazy I decided to let you know who I am on here instead of sending out so many emails.
I used to post on here a while back and recently came back on.
My name is John Poe, am 41yrs old and having been a Police Officer for 17yrs, currently a shift Commander. Have been working with reptiles since childhood. Officially opened a rescue for reptiles in the early-mid 90's. Origianlly started as the Michigan Crodilian Rescue and was then changed to the S/E Michigan Reptile Rescue. We handle Crocodilians and Venomous Snakes only, there are numerous rescues that handle all the other types of reptiles. Been on Animal Planet a few times, most notably on Animal Cops Detroit. Recently have given training seminars to Animal Control Officers in Michigan, and am working on a state sertified course. Also working with the Michigan Legislature on creating a formal licensing process for keeping/housing large aggressive and venomous species of reptiles. I currently own several specimine of crocodilians and venomous snakes. Most notable are my C. Nil. which is approx. 9', 2 A. Miss. that are 8-8.5' each, O. Hannah (King Cobra) that just crossed the 12' mark, and a beautiful pair D. Viridis (Green Mamba) along with various assorted other species. I do not adopt out animals. They are either turned over to a sanctuary, zoological park, breeding program, reputable collector, or scientific programs.
Other than that married 20yrs, father of 12 yr old twins. I own an MMA Cage Fighting company promoting shows in Michigan, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indianna, Tennessee, and coming soon to Florida. Newspaper article
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Who am I? - PoeMan, Tue Jan 26 06:38:05 2010