Posted by:
at Fri Jan 29 12:54:03 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Carlton ]
Silkworms are a great addition to their diet. I'm not sure if they should be the basis (variety is always better). Crickets stink if they are not kept clean. I don't order mine in large bulk quantities for this and other reasons. They don't stink at all as the smaller groups get fed out before many of them die. If you set them up in smaller groups they are easier to deal with. Some chams like rollie pollies but lose interest once they find they can't pick them up on their tongue if rolled up. Also, they are pretty small so you'd need to feed LOTS of them. I don't know how much of the nutritious gutloads they will eat as they are basically detritivores.
Dubia roaches are a GREAT feeder. If you haven't been around them they are worth getting introduced to. They are not as skittery as the classic cockroach that you may be worried about. They don't climb much at all, don't fly, are not as huge as palmetto bugs or hissers, and just easier to handle.
Consider culturing house flies. Many chams love the chase. But again, you would need lots of them every day.
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