Posted by:
at Thu Feb 18 03:43:12 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SandBoaMorphs ]
Which brings us back to the real 'Dodoma' a locality or a type of pattern on a snake......cause I've seen docs on some dodomas that sure as heck look like normals to me........
Flame is a difficult description of a sand boa for me to grasp. How would you describe them? I'v heard 'clean with a more extreme color (not necessarily orange)'
Below is a picture of some 'super flames' so they were called....
----- Mark Huntley Sand Boa Morphs
Kenyan Sand Boa's 4.1 Rufescens 1.2 Albinos 0.5 Dodoma 2.1 Flame 2.5.8 Normal (orange) 3.4.10 Anery 0.1 Snow 2.2 Hopeful Yellow Snow 0.1 Splash Albino 1.0 Splash Anery 1.0 Orange Stripe 100% Het Anery 1.0 High Orange Stripe 1.0 Yellow Stripe 0.4 High Orange Tiger 2.2 High Orange 2.3 Boston Terriers 0.2 Sooners 8.30 Rhode Island Reds 0.0.15 Tropical Fish 0.1 Moody Wives 1.1 On the fence in-laws 2.1 Rug Rats
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