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at Wed Feb 17 16:49:47 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brhaco ]
Every one of us should keep in the back of our minds just who exactly is behind this in S. Florida. It has been pointed out before that this is obviously NOT about saving the Everglades, since this law will do nothing to that end, and does not even address the REAL invasive species which have already devastated what is left of our beloved National Park.
Just look who is behind this: Besides HSUS and PETA (whose motivation is obvious), we also have a variety of s. Florida politicians as well as the Water Management District. Is it a coincidence that these same folks have been stubbornly resisting the changes in water flow and use that would REALLY help restore the Everglades to some semblance of its former glory?
It seems to me that the pythons form a perfect "fall guy" that serves not only to distract attention from real glades restoration, but siphon away money and resources from that project as well. Or am I just paranoid? ----- Brad Chambers WWW.HCU-TX.ORG
Breeder of: Green Tree Pythons Jungle Carpet Pythons Pastel, Pinstripe, FIRE, Piebald, Clown, Lavender Albino, Leucistic, and Spider Ball Pythons Striped Colombian Boa Constrictors Kenyan, Rufescens, and Conicus Sand Boas Red Phase Western Hognose Snakes Spider Western Hognose Snakes Albino Western Hognose Snakes Locality Trans-Pecos Mexican Hognose Snakes Southern Hognose Snakes Eastern Hognose Snakes Tricolor Hognose Snakes Hypo Checkered Garter Snakes Eastern Blackneck Garter Snakes Stillwater Hypo Bullsnakes Patternless Bullsnakes S. GA Eastern Kingsnakes Locality Desert Kingsnakes Albino Desert Kingsnakes Hypo Desert Kingsnakes Mexican Black Kingsnakes Desert Phase, Striped Desert, Newport, and Coastal California Kingsnakes Locality Mexican Milksnakes Spotted Mexican Milksnakes Tangerine Mexican Milksnakes Locality Alterna Abbott Okeetee Cornsnakes Mexican Baird's Ratsnakes Cape Housesnakes Tangerine Albino African Fat -Tailed Geckos Locality Spotted Turtles
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