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at Wed Mar 3 10:35:17 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gonexenopus ]
I recently (Saturday) adopted a juvie blizzard/patternless leopard gecko from the VA Reptile Rescue. He was one of the many herps from the huge wholesale/shipper seziure in Texas. He was also one of the few leo hatchling survivors. By the time they were finially surrendered to rescue groups they were skeletal He is a fighter!
BTW: not sure if "he" is really a he. I just call "him" that.
Anyways, he is about 4 inches long and has pretty good body weight, although I'd like to see his tail a little bit fatter.
When I went to feed him on Sunday he didn't show any interest in the 3 small crickets I offered him I picked up one and put it near his nose. He bit it and ate it. I did the same for the second cricket. He refused the third.
Monday he regurgitated the crickets I was (still kind of it?) worried about him not eating.
This is my first leopard gecko, but I have worked in petstores for years and have cared for many. I also have lots of other herp experience too. But the babies always make me nervous...
Anyways, I got some ExoTerra Electrodize (?) and mixed it in his water (bowl and sprayer) on Monday. I also offered him mealworms in a dish. This morning the 3 mealworms I offered were gone! YAY he ate them last night sometime!
My question is: How many small mealworms should I offer to this little leo? More then 3 a day?
Also, I've heard that juvie leos like their temps slightly cooler then that of adults. (like 80-85 in a the hotspot). Is this true??
Any suggestions would be appreciated! I hope he recovers from his horrific experience and grows to a big fat adult.
Here is my setup:
10 gallon tank 85F in hot spot 73F on cool side Coconut shelter w/moist moss papertowel substrate
Currently feeding: 3 mealworms in the evening, in one of those mealworm dishes.
I will post pics of him tomorrow! Not sure what his morph is. I was told patternless. but I've seen blizzards. I think he may be a blizzard. He is very white with black eyes. Some of the patternless I've seen are more grey and yellow. He doesn't have any yellow on him. He is really cute! I think I'm going to name him Honkie....LOL.
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Newly Adopted Leo - gonexenopus, Wed Mar 3 10:35:17 2010