Posted by:
at Sun Mar 14 08:49:14 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by zovick ]
The research says that it lasts 7 days after reconstitution when refrigerated and 30 days when frozen. My problem with freezing it has been that the doses required for smaller tortoises require the use of tuberculin syringes, and when the plunger is drawn back much more than 1/2 or 2/3 of the way, it is pushed completely out of the barrel of the syringe by the expansion of the solution when it freezes. It is then virtually impossible to replace the plunger after thawing without losing most if not all of the product. This could be avoided by using multiple syringes with a portion of the dose in each one, but would then also require multiple injections to accomplish the one dose. IE, if a needed dose was .85 cc, it could not all be frozen in one tuberculin syringe without the plunger coming out, so two with .425 cc would be needed in my experience.
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