Posted by:
at Mon Mar 15 14:42:40 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by amazondoc ]
I agree that herpers have a long row to hoe when it comes to public perception. And face it -- many of the people who keep reptiles AREN'T the average Joe Blow. That doesn't make em bad or crazy or any of that, but it DOES make them easy targets.
I also agree that many AP shows are terribly sensationalized. You know the old News axiom: if it bleeds, it leads. Sensationalism of all sorts is how broadcast companies make their money.
The way to fight this sort of bias, IMHO, is with POSITIVE messages and FACTS -- rather than mud-slinging accusations about graft and conspiracies and so on. The herp community simply doesn't have enough clout to make an impression with accusations, but they could make a lot of progress if they work on that POSITIVE message.
>>Making a compairson of muscovys (which I also have) to large snakes is a difficult one because when the poltry people scream most people are willing to listen because the like ducks and whan they see a baby one they say AHHHHHH isn't that cute. Plus there is not a media campain going full blast to make people think big snakes are bad, kill people and destroy the environment and will be in your backyard soon. Regular people think banning a duck is silly. >> >>By the way I noticed on one of the new shows they tweeked there wording a little they said "with global warming these snakes could spread to the entire southern US. And they did mention escaped animals so they can stand on the tecnicality that houses or buildings destroyed by hurricanes were escapes but the perception for the general public was bad caging with irrisponsible owners. >>The 2 shows had a strong and continuous message from zoo keepers, psychologists, pet shop owners, biologists, USFW, polititions, neighbors and friends that people who keep more than 1 or 2 reptiles have some kind of psycological/social problem and they live on the fringes of society. Most people who I know that keep many reptiles have way more intrests and general knowledge that the average person which gives them less in common with the average person. I guess if your only passion is not football or nascar or american idol you live on the fringe. >>Rob ----- ----
0.1 Peruvian rainbow boa (Amaru) 2.0 Brazilian rainbow boas (Arco, Olho) 0.3 Honduran milksnakes (Chicchan, Chanir, Hari) 1.0 Thayeri kingsnake (Coatl) 2.7 corns (Cetto, Tolosa, Uce, TBA) 1,000,000.1,000,000 other critters
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