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RE: 9 out of 10 tracked pythons died

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Posted by: Upscale at Wed Mar 24 16:56:56 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Upscale ]  

I do not disrespect Mike. I am in fact very grateful that he comes here and shares as much as he does, which is probably as much as he is allowed. It is awesome to have one of the very guys who is involved in the field. These issues, these reports, he is there working not just with them, he is one of them. It is pretty much straight from the horses mouth and direct from the absolute front of this war. If you want to call it that.
My agenda, which I do not beat around the bush about, is that I want the legislation restricting importation and ownership of any and every reptile squashed. I am going to post the very opposite of everything that is being used to sway opinion in the other direction. I am going to repeat, as often as I can, that the pythons are filling a void and serving a valuable needed service to the ecosystem down here, and if we were to lose them, it would be far worse than them being there. Exact opposite of what the legislation proponents want to hear. I am going to repeat as often as I can that these pythons are being deliberately released by the very ones making the claims that they are a problem. It is a manufactured “problem”. I am going to say it is blown out of proportion to make the everglades look like it is not worth protecting by greedy land grabbing developers. I am going to claim it is a conspiracy theory and the proof is the false science being used like the claim that the pythons can spread up to Kentucky and are killing native endangered species. I am going to claim that the pet python that supposedly killed that little girl was used to cover up her accidental death by one of her parents. The one surviving radio implanted python was actually in the lab during the cold snap. I am going to share the pictures of the python being beheaded in grisly fashion with animal lovers everywhere in hopes of building sympathy for them. Pythons are actually quite nice and keeping the fringe areas around our homes from being over run with rats and disease carrying vermin animals. They are actually much safer than rattlesnakes. All these things I am going to repeat as if this is the absolute truth. If I repeat it long enough, some will believe it. Just raise a little reasonable doubt. Where did I learn that technique? We can’t just oppose the legislation, you have to turn public opinion. You have to plant the seed for the exact opposite of what they are trying to do. My approach is that the pythons are being used by evil doers for a hidden agenda. Half the public eats that stuff up. So Mike was right on with me. I do apologize to him, because I know he is a good guy. He’s a pretty cool dude from what I know. I just have to fight, not Mike, but the ban on importing, keeping and the restrictions planned for the reptile industry. I’m a venomous keeper, not a python keeper. I’m just preparing for the fight coming my way.


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>> Next Message:  RE: 9 out of 10 tracked pythons died - lep1pic1, Wed Mar 24 19:08:03 2010
>> Next Message:  RE: 9 out of 10 tracked pythons died - jscrick, Wed Mar 24 20:39:09 2010

<< Previous Message:  RE: 9 out of 10 tracked pythons died - Upscale, Wed Mar 24 08:59:11 2010