Posted by:
at Sat Mar 27 19:28:06 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ravenspirit ]
The color on your females head looks similar to the intensity of the pink of my 11' female. I'll have to get some photos of her sometime. I acquired both of them as "adults", so he has not changed much in the time I have had him, if anything the intensity of the color might have faded a little from then. He is a really, REALLY picky eater, (refuses frozen thawed completely, sometimes kills and constricts live, and then leaves them, eats off and on, no real rhyme or reason it seems sometimes) so he has not grown much.
In my experience the bright colors these snakes have when young seem to fade out as the age. I have not seen another with quite as much pink as Monty in person. As you can see, its limited to his face & upper "neck", and he is rather "normal" yellow/white everywhere else.
Your female has nice contrast with pretty light white/light looking sides. Very pretty.

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