Posted by:
at Mon Mar 29 00:01:02 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Paul_D ]
Hey everyone, I'd like to write some emails to see if I can find an advocate for us in the media. I was hoping you all could assist me in finding the hard data to help me write my call for help in our cause. It seems like most of the politicians we've been asking for help are either set in their belief that reptiles should be banned, or they're ignorant and don't care. If we could find the right representative in the media, it has the potential to tip things in our favor. Some of the points I'd like to touch on are:
-Deforestation/pollution, and how private breeders ensure the survival of threatened species even though the natural habitat is declining.
-Economic impact of a ban on reptiles. I'd like to cite how much money reptile, feeder, and supply sales bring into our economy.
-I'd like to show that although reptile keepers are less common than dog/cat owners, we love our pets just as much and the majority of us are responsible and humane caretakers.
-Although snake attacks are sensationalized in the media, they are extraordinarily uncommon, especially compared to the number of injuries caused by traditional pets or livestock.
-The USGS report and other faulty research claiming giant snakes are going to overrun all of north America are inaccurate, and blow the problem of escaped/released snakes way out of proportion.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to write a concise letter with links to all the hard data. I'll send it to people that could be sympathetic to our goal of maintaining the ability to own and breed our unique and exotic pets.
Paul D
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