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at Mon Mar 29 17:18:05 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by megalon ]
i have a seriously carivorous eastern boxie."nanners" (what,she REALLY liked banana pieces as a little one) is more of an apex predator than any turtle i've ever had,including snappers.if she sees or smells a fuzzy mouse when i'm feeding the snakes,she goes into overdrive,pacing her enclosure like crazy,making weird grunting sounds.once or twice a month,one of the snakes won't eat,and i give her the brutality,she is all over it,like white on rice.she's cb '06,maybe a hair over 4" straight shell length,and eats everything,just not with the same zeal as a mouse.i'm careful not to give her too much protein,so she only gets 2 fuzzies a month,max.coolest turtle ever. ----- 1.1 cb spotted turtles (parker(f),stinky(m)) 0.0.2 cb baby razorback musks (way too cute) 0.0.1 cb baby eastern mud (also ridiculously cute) 0.0.1 cb reeve's turtle (george) 0.0.1 cb eastern box (this year's young 'un) 2.6 ltc eastern box breeders 0.1 cb'06 eastern box(nanners) 1.2 cb'08 kenyan sand boas(1 albino,1 anery,1 normal) 1.1 israeli dune geckos 1.0 cb '03 homo sapien(kaelan,6) "jesus is coming-when i count to 3,everyone jump out and yell SURPRISE!!"
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i have a seriously carnivorous boxie... - megalon, Mon Mar 29 17:18:05 2010