Posted by:
at Thu Apr 22 10:27:10 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rtl402 ]
Just a quick thought on the age... my LARGEST CB Geyri was at 7.0" and 51g at 13 months old. Smallest was 6.25" and 38g at 13months. Assuming the Uro was born in July/August of a given year, at that size I would assume the Uro at this point is probably a WC, or was shy and grew at a slow rate for the first year, making it approx. in the area of 18-20 months old. Just my guess. Could have been hatched late in the year, but doubtful it has reached over 7" in just 9 months. My largest back in december was 7.75" and 68g at 17months old. Hopefully that comparison helps a bit
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